要定位 Songbird 似乎有些为难?说它是浏览器吧,可它又不单单是浏览器,它还可以充当播放器的角色;说它是播放器吧,好像也不能一锤定音,因为它能够完成 Web 浏览的任务.亦或从 Songbird 自身来讲,它已经在媒体播放和网络浏览之间找到了一个恰当的平衡点.这就是 Songbird 显得与众不同的地方,这原本就是 Songbird 的特色.其实很明显,Songbird 更多的将倾斜到媒体播放上,这一点是毫无疑问的.
下载download:Songbird 0.2.5
* New Default Bundle (you may opt-out)
o iPod Device (linux/osx/win32)
o USB Mass Storage Device (win32)
o Quicktime DRM Audio Playback (osx/win32)
o Windows Media DRM Audio Playback (win32)
* New Features
o Commandline Handling - You can launch us with media from your OS, now.
o Classic "Plucked" Feathers - Runs Songbird in your native OS chrome.
o Web Library - A filterable list of all the mp3 files you've seen while surfing.
o HTML Subscriptions - Now view the subscribed webpage along with the media tracks.
o New Tools Menu - We moved "Extensions..." to "Add-Ons..." and "Preferences..." to "Options..."
* Major Bugfixes
o Dragging the window on Linux no longer loses the mouse off the window.
o Download playlist handles errors and redirects better.
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