一个基于JAVA的多torrent下载程序,可以手动设置某个torrent的优先权,加入了irc聊天室,增加了一些基本的irc命令,可以看见在线人数和ID,支持多tracker url,对于多tracker发布的torrent可自动切换,并可以手动更改tracker url.
Features of "Azureus":
* Multiple torrent downloads
* Upload and download speed limiting, both globally and per torrent
* Advanced seeding rules
* Adjustable disk cache
* Only uses one port for all the torrents
* UPnP sets the forward on your router
* Can use a proxy, for both tracker and peer communications
* Fast resume
* Can set a default download dir and move completed files
* Can import torrents automatically from a set dir
* Highly customizable interface
* IRC plugin included for quick help
* Embedded tracker, host your own torrents, automate your shares (periodic scanning of a dir)...
* Distributed Hash Table: host on it a completely decentralised torrent and/or benefit from it when the tracker is offline.
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