专为个人用户所设计的 HTTP 档案系统 - Http File Server,如果您觉得架设 FTP Server 太麻烦,那么这个软件可以提供您更方便的档案传输系统,下载后无须安装,只要解压缩后执行 hfs.exe,于「Virtual File System(虚拟档案系统)」窗格下按鼠标右键,即可新增/移除虚拟档案资料夹,或者,直接将欲加入的档案拖曳至此窗口,便可架设完成个人 HTTP 虚拟档案服务器.
下载download:Http File Server (HFS) 2.1d build 088
[NEW] Menu -> Virtual File System -> "Reset totals"
[NEW] speed limit accepts decimal values
[CHG] clearing the log no longer reset totals
[CHG] renamed: "Reset downloads" > "Reset files hits"
[CHG] renamed: "Don't count as download" > "Don't consider as a download"
[CHG] renamed: "Save total in/out" > "Save totals", also saves hits/downloads/uploads, enabled by default
[CHG] show browser icon in address bar
[CHG] don't show the login button if no account/pw d has been set
[FIX] updated template help
[FIX] UTF8 fix for filename in progress frame (only uploading)
[FIX] ~specials (urls with ~) didn't work with folders with "?" in the name
[FIX] holding SHIFT and CTRL keys were undetected at startup
[FIX] hfs.comments.txt was not used for symbol %folder-comment%
[FIX] template import/export support for UTF8
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